Thursday, September 3, 2009

Life Hacking?

So in the past, I have been uber conserned with a thing the interwebs call 'Lifehacking'. If you don't know what I'm talking about, Google it. It is this whole idea of super-productivity. Well, I tend to get so caught up in Lifehacking that I forget to be productive. Lol. I guess its a little ironic that I used to spend so much time reading and writing about Lifehacking that I never really did anything... I don't think that is the point.

Well, I quit that. Good for me. I'm proud of you Hailey. I erased Lifehacker from Google Reader, I unfollowed those people in twitter. I'm not going to do it anymore. I am just using a simple calendar and a moleskin as a journal to keep track of everything. And I'm not changing until those finish. I really love my moleskin. It realy is as nice as everyone says it is.

Anywho, I was just reading some old goals in a previous post on this blog and realised how silly some of them were. lol. I wanted to be a VA. I really don't think thats much different than real work.

I want residual income. Not work. Residual... Like that 4 hour work week thing. (No I don't want to be an ass or spam people, I just want to have freedom). Freedom.. That's what it is all about. That is what I fail to have currently. I want my Freedom.

The trouble is, paradoxically, two things:

1. I have too many ideas.Updates
2. I don't have enough ideas.

Yeah.. Lol.

So I guess I have a new goal... I want to make money online. Yeah.. I am not sure how, but I want to. Ok. I lied, I do know one way how... the question is whether I have the will to do it. But I believe I have the motivation. Or it is growing so, we shall see. But no more lifehacking... I actually need to get to work.

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