Another day as Me
So today was interesting. Odd. Fun at time. Sucky at times. But that is what life is, right?
I'm not sure I mentioned it before in my last post, but I love my summer job. I work with really kool and friendly people and our lunch conversations are nothing but laughs. It's great! Nothing is better for your day then laughing for an hour.
One topic of discussion was addiction. I have a very addictive personality... I get addicted to things really easily. Be it a certain food, an activity, a book, a game... once I start i can't seem to stop myself. This is to the detriment of everything else in my life. This topic arose in one of the many times I was told about World of Warcraft and how great it is. The thing is... I believe them. It sounds awesome and right up my alley, but that, my friends, is my downfall. I don't need something that is up my alley right now. I need to get the things that I need to do done. Those would be my 9 main goals. Once again, I did nothing on any of them today. :-( Actually, I have a run kitty run post that needs to be finished for tomorrow... guess what I'm doing next. ;-)
According to my schedule, tomorrow's main task for the day is suppose to be my ebook. The topic's a secret, so don't ask me to tell you. But yeah, that's tomorrow. Research and writing for that. Kool. I will prolly go to Te after work... oh that's right, no lap top so I can't write. Oh I can't wait to get that Neo! It's going to kick ass! It's suppose to show up thursday... I hope its early thursday.
I'm going to have to divide up the 8 files that it comes with. OK...
1 My Novel
2 My Ebook
3 ML Biz Plan
4 My Computer Program notes
5 ML Website Notes
6 Run Kitty Run
7 Ideas List
8 Journal
Well that sounds pretty good. Oh course, it will change once I use it.
So, I just decided to start posting these at my old blog again as well as in LJ. The old blog was about changing my life one day at a time, and I guess that is what I'm still doing. One day at a time. Just not numbered. I may pick that meme up again, but not today. Today you just get a post. A little piece of my mind. Glad to be back.
I'm tired and have a post to finish. G'night all!
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