Monday, July 16, 2007

Day 3: Habits and Saija

I spent last night starting my control journal. I have decided to do it in atwiki, which is the easiest and phone friendliest wiki I could find. So far on the flylady habits, I am picking out my clothes before bed, shining my sink, and getting dressed when I first get up. My next habit to build is to clean my bedroom floor first thing in the morning. I am going to do that tomorrow.

I really like the habit of shining my sink. It doesn't take long and fits right in with brushing my teeth and washing my face. I have a really pretty sink. And now the toilet is bugging me. It used to never bug me!

Most of my day was spent on Saija. I'll repeat that. I STARTED SAIJA!!!!!!!

I have spent so much time reading about programing and filemaker, but, except for that little menu version in c, I haven't spent any time on Saija. I ran into a lot of problems, but that is the fun part. It was a growing experience as I figure them out. I will post screen shots later. By the end of the day (after going over my problems with Hank), my design morphed into something I will actually succeed at using. (hopefully)

So my day tomorrow:
- get up, eat, get dressed
- clean bedroom floor
- program Saija!
- spend some time with my new wiki, putting in data.
- Cardio swing! (The highlight of my week)
- Brush teeth and shine sink
- Pick out clothes for next day.

2 Announcements
- Tomorrow morning at 6:11, there is a worldwide meditation on bettering the state of the earth. I'm gonna do it!
- This friday at Mixers and Elixirs, I am performing a swing routine to King Porter's Stomp with the newbie Hepcats. :-) Come watch!!

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