social crap
It seems that life hangs on a point. My social life is either non-existant or painful. There are certain people that I just don't want to be around. At all. Even though I am uber-nice when I am around them (don't worry. If you are reading this, it isn't you).
One person in particular is ruining the swing events for me. Hank says that I just need to ignore them, and I used to say things like that all of the time, but now that I am in the situation, I am not sure it's that easy.
Being around these people is actually nausiating. I don't want it to be, and I am not sure why it is, but it is. And I have found that if I just don't go. If I don't put myself in the positions where I will be around them, I am much happier. And when they are not there, I usually worry about them showing up.
Tonight, I forgot about them. That is, until they walked in. Then I didn't know what to do. I wanted to run, and i didn't want to run. I ended up running. Although I do have work as an excuse.
At the beginning of this year, running was not my style. I actually had the opposite responce. I put myself in the situations just so that i would be sure to know what was going on, but I have learned my lesson. If I avoid and run, I can just not think about it. And that makes me a much happier person.
Ok, before your mind runs all over on this, let me say that this is not romantic. This is not a romance gone wrong, or anything like that. So don't even think it. Actually, the main person that i am talking about isn't even a guy. So don't even think it.
Actually not real sure why I react this way. ok, I guess i do know, but it is a bit uncalled for. And no, I am not giving any details. So don't ask. I just trying to figure everything out. My life has been a little rocky lately. Mentally I mean. I am not really sure why. I think that this is what burnout feels like. I'm burnt out. Mentally. And I have so much to do and not much fire to do it with. To tell you the truth, if I did only what i feel like to doing, I would stay in bed all of the time, curled up either asleep or with my computer and computer learning books. ( I want to learn how to program in PHP, Objective C with Cocoa, and either purl or applescript. I am on track to become an apple developer. :-) That makes me happy.
The worst part of life right now is all of the stuff that I have to do that is not directly connected to Marion's Ledge. That leaves me like no time to do Marion's Ledge stuff. And there is so much that i need/want to be doing. But instead, that just get lumped in with the school work and pushed aside for the stupid papers that I have to write that mean nothing to me. Who really cares about the argument whether all languages have parts of speech. Give me the problem sets dammit!!
I have to much to read for those papers. That is what I should be doing right now, but I have too much on my mind to consentrate. So I am writing this as a mind dump. I am on the balcony of taft overlooking the dance. I danced some. But now i am not. (see above)/ :=/
ok, I think I have dumped enough. I better read some now.
I'm sorry you're being haunted by a swing-type woman (see my amazing skills of deduction? "not a guy" = "must be female." :) What can I do to help you?
So far, you've:
* Run away. This does have many advantages, several of which you've named -- not having to think about this person or fear they'll show up at a non-Taft place.
* Ignoring. But that's hard to do when someone makes you gag. :) (Again, my superior powers of deduction at work ... "nauseating" = "gag.")
You might try subtle and polite confrontation. "So-and-so, I'm feeling down right now and just need to be left to my own bubble." Or, "I'm sorry you're having a rough time. And I'm sorry I can't be of more help to you -- I'm dealing with my own thing and my brain is full. I need to dance off my stress!"
These may be unreasonable, but just some ideas. Hugs to you and catch you later.
hey i know what you mean... i had alot of people i hated being around and used to really get on my nerves just watching them, this month i dumped all of my worthless fake friends and left college, decided to stop being a loser and do what i want to do :) now i feel better doing it my way, my social life is in tarnishes... i have no real friends, my hearts been freshly broken, yesterday i threw it all away, i`m starting again :) feels good
i think your stronger than me, but taken from my experience, if you don't like something, change it :) makes you feel better.
check out my blog and you'll know what i mean :) until next time.
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