Tuesday, July 8, 2008

World of Warcraft

So I have been under some light pressure to join World of Warcraft (as mentioned in my last post). Well a thought just occurred to me about it. My main reason for not joining is the large amounts of time I will spend not being productive because of this game. I will spend quite a bit of time on it, I'm sure as the game does sound fun. I have a to-do list that is really long. Those things normally don't mix.

But the truth is, I spend most of my time being unproductive anyway doing things like monitoring twitter and plurk, tweaking the blog, watching MacGyver, surfing Facebook, surfing the web and more! There are days when I do very little productive work. So maybe things won't really change if I join WoW. It would probably just replace some surfing.

It could even be good if I make playing it dependent on getting the task of the day done. That may even be enough to combat the surfing tendency... so hey, it may actually be good for me.

So a couple points in favor of WoW. I'm not completely convinced yet. I'm scared to start it and find this analysis to be wrong.

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