Saturday, January 20, 2007

social crap

It seems that life hangs on a point. My social life is either non-existant or painful. There are certain people that I just don't want to be around. At all. Even though I am uber-nice when I am around them (don't worry. If you are reading this, it isn't you).
One person in particular is ruining the swing events for me. Hank says that I just need to ignore them, and I used to say things like that all of the time, but now that I am in the situation, I am not sure it's that easy.

Being around these people is actually nausiating. I don't want it to be, and I am not sure why it is, but it is. And I have found that if I just don't go. If I don't put myself in the positions where I will be around them, I am much happier. And when they are not there, I usually worry about them showing up.

Tonight, I forgot about them. That is, until they walked in. Then I didn't know what to do. I wanted to run, and i didn't want to run. I ended up running. Although I do have work as an excuse.

At the beginning of this year, running was not my style. I actually had the opposite responce. I put myself in the situations just so that i would be sure to know what was going on, but I have learned my lesson. If I avoid and run, I can just not think about it. And that makes me a much happier person.

Ok, before your mind runs all over on this, let me say that this is not romantic. This is not a romance gone wrong, or anything like that. So don't even think it. Actually, the main person that i am talking about isn't even a guy. So don't even think it.

Actually not real sure why I react this way. ok, I guess i do know, but it is a bit uncalled for. And no, I am not giving any details. So don't ask. I just trying to figure everything out. My life has been a little rocky lately. Mentally I mean. I am not really sure why. I think that this is what burnout feels like. I'm burnt out. Mentally. And I have so much to do and not much fire to do it with. To tell you the truth, if I did only what i feel like to doing, I would stay in bed all of the time, curled up either asleep or with my computer and computer learning books. ( I want to learn how to program in PHP, Objective C with Cocoa, and either purl or applescript. I am on track to become an apple developer. :-) That makes me happy.

The worst part of life right now is all of the stuff that I have to do that is not directly connected to Marion's Ledge. That leaves me like no time to do Marion's Ledge stuff. And there is so much that i need/want to be doing. But instead, that just get lumped in with the school work and pushed aside for the stupid papers that I have to write that mean nothing to me. Who really cares about the argument whether all languages have parts of speech. Give me the problem sets dammit!!

I have to much to read for those papers. That is what I should be doing right now, but I have too much on my mind to consentrate. So I am writing this as a mind dump. I am on the balcony of taft overlooking the dance. I danced some. But now i am not. (see above)/ :=/

ok, I think I have dumped enough. I better read some now.

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Monday, January 15, 2007

Welcome To My Life 2.0

This is the first entry in this new blog. This is where I will be posting personal journal entries. That way Fearful Symmetry readers don't have to hear me rant about stuff. This is the rant section. From now on, Fearful Symmetry will be used to post interesting and useful information about Apple, Life Hacking, blogging, and general inspirational material. I hope that you stay tuned to that blog as well as this one. (Or just regularly read the sidebar where I'll have the Fearful Symmetry RSS feed ---> )

Small update since my last post:
- I went to Vegas for my 21st B-day!! That was a good experience (although I am not sure I'd want to go back.)
- I saw snow for the first time while I was in New Mexico visiting my dad.
- I got a blood test and didn't cry. (That's my weak spot)
- I started a new semester of school. Seems like It should be pretty easy.
- The Marion's Ledge website got a facelift!!! Check it out at

Some Not too new stuff:
- My apartment is still messy. :-/
- I am still on the never-ending search for a new way to organise my life.
- I'm still me.

ok. Catch y'all later.

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